domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

THE SISTERS OF MERCY - The Violent Hour (Tribute) 2001

THE SISTERS OF MERCY The Violent Hour (Tribute) 2001

Formato:  CD, Tribute
Catalogo: EQ006
Sello:        Equinoxe Records
Año:         2001


1.   Lithium - Ribbons
2.   One - More
3.   Crudeness - Amphetamine Logic
4.   On The Floor - Floorshow
5.   StillPatient? - First &Last & Always
6.   Malaise - Heartland
7.   The House of Usher - Valentine
8.   Gothic Sex - Lucretia my Reflection
9.   Morbyd Poetry - Poison Door
10. This Vale of Tears - Anaconda
11. Whispers in The Shadow - Fix
12. Beyond The Wall of Sleep - Kiss The Carpet
13. Reptyle - Giving Ground
14.  The Elizabeth Dane - Some Kind of Stranger
15. Burning Gates - Train
16. Lizard Smile - Neverland


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